
I had a good response to my first giveaway, so a big thank you to all those that took part.

97% of voters thought my website was easy to navigate (with 1 ‘no’ and 1 ‘other’ out of 75) so that’s good news! The peacock pendant got the most favourites closely followed by the kingfisher and ladybird, who caught up to become joint second favourite. A few of you couldn’t decide and I really appreciate all of your comments.

The winner of the pendant was Becky Downey with runner up prize of a 25% off voucher going to Kathy Cakebread. Congratulations to the both of you.

Black HorseThe horse got the fewest votes, so here is another which maybe you’ll like better! I’m working on some larger pendants too and will post them here and on my website once photographed.

Please do follow my blog if you’d like to keep up to date with offers and new items. You will only get an email alert from me, generally once a week at most, I don’t spam.