There are of course the obvious ways to earn extra cash by selling stuff on ebay, delivering leaflets, avon etc. However if you enjoy interacting on social media like facebook, twitter and are good with computers there is another way by being a website affiliate. If you like the idea of helping artists earn a living as well as being able to earn extra cash yourself, then take a look at Zazzle’s associate program.
As you know I have a couple of shops on Zazzle (Annabels Abstract, Animal glass designs) selling lots of products with my images, for which I receive a royalty for each sale. However if you’re not artistic or don’t have the time to set up your own shop, becoming a zazzle associate is the answer. By promoting other shop owners products you can earn a15% referral fee on every sale, plus with a volume bonus an extra 17% is possible.
There are lots of tools on zazzle to help, including links and banners, which automatically include your own personal associate ID. A new collection tool makes it very easy to create themed collections, weddings for example, promoting all the products within it, which can be from different designers. Here’s a summer holiday one
Check out for more information, feel free to ask me a question in comments and there are lots of friendly folk on the Zazzle forum that will help too.
Ideas for promotion include creating your own blog or website as well as facebook, twitter etc. Use good keywords to get found and ideally promote regularly – something I need to work on! Zazzle often have good sales, on the international sites as well. Today on they have 30% off t-shirts, mugs and posters with free p&p. Your associate code will work on international sites too if that is your main audience.
Of course I’d love you to promote my shops products. I’m now getting regular sales and aiming for daily ones but feel free to help other artists too and spread the love! The following are my latest sales, thank you to both UK and US customers and have a great weekend.