A selection of my alphabet colouring book drawings are now on display upstairs in Exeter library reading room alongside original paintings. The exhibition also includes animal glass paintings (now listed on my website). Here’s a photo of the painted glassware downstairs with a copy of the book.

I’ve already sold some spiral bound books, which is cool 🙂 and have been busy preparing a travel sized one for Amazon, another learning curve with formatting! It is easy creating a PDF in word as it can be saved as a .pdf file but with the graphics programme I use it needs the print to pdf method. However basic Adobe Acrobat doesn’t allow you to have a custom size, so after much research and frustration I found a solution! Download PrimoPDF, which is easy to use and does let you choose a custom size.
Today I had confirmation that it is ready for printing and I can order a proof, so it won’t be long before a 6 by 9 inch copy of my animal alphabet colouring book will be available on Amazon.
In the meantime I am having to create a new website, as moonfruit still don’t have a security certificate option and although all sales go via PayPal’s secure site it doesn’t look good not having https enabled. This time I’m using wordpress.org which I probably should have done ages ago, although it does mean getting my head around plugins etc!
I’ll update you before it goes live as it does mean moving my blog over too. Id like to get it done before the open studios event but that is just 2 weeks away now!