A beautiful day. It was warm and sunny and I didn’t have to wear a coat.
Had a very good sleep and felt much better. I went to work for 1 1/2 hours mainly to see R (C is in France). Felt very tired after, so it’s a good thing I only went for an hour and a half.
After a lovely lunch of ham (first class stuff after hospital food!) I went with dad to buy some chain to replace our collapsing front garden fence. We went to four garden centres. They are lovely, you could really spend a fortune at them. It’s amazing how different the prices of a similar chain was. We did eventually get one, not the cheapest mind you. Dad put it up and it looks lovely. It’s a nice white chain.

Mrs A came with the most gorgeous bunch of flowers from K, C and R. They were cream and white fresias with maidenhair fern. It was such a large bunch.