1984 Diary Tuesday 17th April, Day before Pituitary Operation

Quite grey, but it was warm during the day and quite cold in the evening.

You’re not going to believe this, but I’m writing this on the 1st of May. I’m also a bit rusty as you can imagine but dad‘s been writing notes for me and I wrote pencilled notes for today. I went into Great Ormond Street Hospital and today I suppose is the start of my long visit and as you can already tell from the beginning I’m a bit confused!

Had a blood test, which Dr D gave me and I had to have it twice, typical because my vein was a bit reluctant. Anyway I survived but it was rather uncomfortable. As I said I can’t remember much but the ward seemed very nice then and I liked the sister, who was very friendly and helpful.

Went out to Regents park in the evening and the park is lovely. In fact Great Ormond Street is situated well, so near to some beautiful parks.

Got annoyed with dad as he rang friends to find out where Wendy’s Burgers was but I suppose we did find out. We did have a good meal there, with an enormous drink and then had a walk around St. Katherine Docks.

That’s all I can remember but it was a very nice evening despite our problem trying to find Wendy burgers.

2 thoughts on “1984 Diary Tuesday 17th April, Day before Pituitary Operation”

  1. Gayle Mcgoldrick

    Coram fields was one of my favourites doable in a wheel chair with a cathater bag and a saline drip on a pole. Used to watch my sister on a visit swinging and wish to sit on the swings with her.

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