dog art

Caption Competition

Here are the first two photos for the caption competition. Please leave your caption suggestions in comments and at the end of May I’ll set up a vote. There will be prizes 🙂 If you’d like me to feature your art work for this caption competition, please do contact me.

New Venture and a letter Y dog

I’ve discovered Zazzle, an on-line print on demand service, so my penultimate letter Y challenge is a few days later than planned! Zazzle is great because you’re able to add your designs to a variety of products without having to keep stock yourself and zazzle does all the posting too. Customers can also customise items …

New Venture and a letter Y dog Read More »

Puffins and Poodles for letter P art challenge!

Hi, can’t believe another week has gone by and it will be February soon. At least that means spring is only round the corner and the bulbs will be coming out. I love spring with nature bursting into life. For my alphabet challenge this week is the letter P. I’ve chosen to do a puffin because a young girl …

Puffins and Poodles for letter P art challenge! Read More »